Are you a SuperSquid?

We're giving away $100 Amazon gift cards to every teacher who sends us a short video (30-60 seconds).

While this is for internal purposes, the three best videos will receive a $500 Amazon gift card and we may seek your permission to post on our website!

  • What Should I Say?

    Let us know how and why you use SquidBooks. When do you typically use SquidBooks? How does SquidBooks supplement your core curriculum? What do you like most about SquidBooks?

  • Where Can I Record?

    Anywhere you want! Let your awesome, creative, thoughtful self shine!

  • Tech Tips!

    Please film in landscape mode. If you use your phone, tilt it on its side and use the highest quality video settings. Laptops and webcams are also great film-making devices.


Send it to us!

Email your video to Be sure to include your full name, school name, and grade.

Within 2 days, we will send your $100 or $500 Amazon giftcard. If you have any questions, email us and we’ll get back to you right away.

Keep Squidding!